Air Cargo Transport Arrangements
Contemporary development of international trade together with the global economical integration process and growing competition between manufacturers from various parts of World set up new standards of production quality for industries and push manufacturers to set up perfect logistics of their goods. Regular, quick and on-time delivery is an important part of every logistics scheme.
Air cargo transportation is for sure the most convenient and fast way to deliver almost any type of cargo including perishables. Having Your business and trade partners in distant regions of Russia or abroad You should seriously count on air cargo transport solutions to provide smooth logistics of Your export or import.
Cargo Point LLC is an expert in air cargo transport arrangements and air cargo sales arrangements for regular and charter airlines.
Are You an export-import company? We will provide You with an air cargo transport solution designed especially to satisfy Your cargo type & special business needs.
If You are an Airline we will provide You with cargo load to maximize use of Your capacities and stable growth of cargo sales on dedicated market.
We can arrange almost ANY type of air cargo transportation for ANY types of customers - from booking a cargo charter for oversized oil mining equipment to setting up a regular express air transport schemes for micro-shipments serving special business project needs or putting Your pet on a World Air Tour!
Our customers are airlines, freight forwarders, trading and manufacturing companies, internet-shops individual entrepreneurs and private persons.
With us it is easy to aircargo Your shipment to any destination!
Fast. Professional. Personal touch. |